Red Scarf | 你必备的英国指南 – 折扣、购物、旅游、美食、签证



说起英语中的俚语,真心让我们这些英语非母语的人头疼。上学的时候,委媛的英语老师只教过我们一句俚语:raining cats and dogs。如果不懂这句话意思的小伙伴,听到有人说“It’s raining cats and dogs out there”,肯定第一件事就是拿起手机拍照吧——天上下猫和狗啦!






含义: Full of men. (全是男人)
造句: “The club was fucking terrible last night, it was a proper sausage fest in there.” (昨晚这个俱乐部太糟糕了,全是男人!)


含义: The best.(最棒的)
造句: “That bacon sandwich I had this morning was the absolute dog’s bollocks.” (我今天早上吃的配干三明治绝对是最棒的!)


含义: A really long time.(特别长的时间)
造句: “How’s your friend Lisa from school?” “Oh, god knows. I haven’t seen her for donkey’s years.”(-你的校友Lisa最近怎么样了?-上帝才知道呢,我已经很久没见过她了)


含义: Are you joking?(你是在逗我吗?)
造句: “You’d rather go shopping with your mum than come down the pub with me? Are you having a laugh?” (你宁愿和你妈妈去购物也不愿意和我去酒吧?你是在逗我吗?)


含义: Really cheap.(真心便宜)
造句: “Where did you get that TV?” “Oh, I just found it on eBay, it was cheap as chips.” (-你从哪儿买的那台电视?-我在eBay上买的,真心便宜!)


含义: There you are.(就在那里)
造句: “Take a left at the end of the road, and Bob’s your uncle, there’s the strip club.” (在道路尽头左转,然后你要找的那个脱衣舞俱乐部了就在那里啦)。


含义: Being a third wheel (做一个电灯泡)
造句: “Oh, you’re going to the cinema with Jamie and Robin, do you not find it weird playing gooseberry like that?”(你要与Jamie和Robin一起去看电影?你难道不觉得做一个电灯泡很怪吗?)


含义: Go to the toilet.(去厕所)
造句: “Excuse me for one moment, I just need to spend a penny.” (不好意思,我要去一下厕所)。


含义: Going out and getting drunk.(出去玩,喝到醉)
造句: “Friday niiiight, let’s get on the piss lads!” (周五的夜,让我们一起出去玩,喝到醉!)


含义: Go too far.(太过分了)
造句: “Harry getting with my sister was one thing but him getting with my mum too just takes the biscuit.”(Harry勾搭我姐姐也就算了,但是他还要勾搭我妈妈可真的太过分了)。


如果大家平时看英剧很多的话,可能早就发现英国人真的很爱用俚语。很多人说,英式英语中这么多俚语主要是因为英国人很喜欢讽刺,而且直接说脏话有辱绅士作风,所以创造了这么多俚语。委媛看到这个解释,不知为何默默想要点头。毕竟这些俚语听起来就觉得:So British!


最后给大家推荐一个学习现代俚语的好网站,相信很多小伙伴都知道,就是Urban Dictionary。Urban Dictionary中文译名为“城市词典”,是一个美国在线俚语词典,该词典收录了很多常规词典里面查不到的流行英文俚语俗语。如果想让自己的英语更地道的话,欢迎点击这里进入Urban Dictionary的无节操世界吧!


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